The demands for modern-day industry application is extensively diverse and application specific. From understanding the behavior of different materials to ensure product quality in various industries, the quality of Elemental & Spectroscopy solutions needs to be top-notch.
Dutco Tennant LLC brings an expert range of Elemental & Spectroscopy products that meets the demands of a wide range of industrial applications. The products are designed with unique destructive and non-destructive techniques having micro-level compositions that help in establishing the next generation industry basis in the field of Scientific Research and Industry 4.0 Solutions.
Our collection covers application-specific products for metal, polymers, chemicals, food & agriculture, petrochemical, minerals & mining, environmental, nano-tech, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and more. Explore our range of products to discover the perfect solution.
Optical Emission Spectrometry
X-Ray Fluorescence Elemental Analysis
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)