• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.

The process of adding air into wastewater allows aerobic biodegradation of the pollutant components is known as wastewater aeration. It is considered to be an integral part of most biological wastewater treatment systems. Alike chemical treatment that uses chemicals for reacting and stabilizing contaminants in the wastewater stream, the biological treatment uses microorganisms which occur naturally in wastewater to degrade wastewater contaminants.

For municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, aeration is part of the stage known as the secondary treatment process. The process of activated sludge is the most common option in secondary treatment. Aeration in an activated sludge process is based on pumping air into a tank that promotes the microbial growth in the wastewater. The organic material is fed to the microbes to form flocks which can easily settle out. After settling down in a separate settling tank, the bacteria from the activated sludge flocs which are continually recirculated back to the aeration basin for increasing the rate of decomposition. The bacteria gets oxygen from the bacteria for treating and stabilizing the wastewater. Oxygen is required by the bacteria for allowing biodegradation to occur. The supplied oxygen is then utilised by the bacteria in the wastewater for breaking down the organic matter which contains the carbon for forming carbon dioxide and water. If sufficient oxygen is not present, bacteria are not able to biodegrade the incoming organic matter in a reasonable time. When there is no dissolved oxygen present, degradation can occur positively under some odorous, septic and yield incomplete conversion septic conditions. Under septic conditions, some of the biological processes can convert hydrogen and sulphur for forming hydrogen sulphide and transform carbon into methane.  The other carbon will also be converted to organic acids which can create low pH conditions in the basin and make the water more difficult to treat and promote the formation of odour. Bio-degradation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen is a very slow and biological process. For the treatment of wastewater, aeration is the most critical component of a treatment system which uses the activated sludge process. A well-designed aeration system has a direct impact on the level of wastewater treatment it achieves. For an ample and evenly distributed oxygen supply in an aeration system works as the key to economically-viable, rapid and effective wastewater treatment. Dutco Tennant LLC supplies Wastewater Aerators of the surface type which are available in both floating and fixed execution. Each of these aerators exists in high speed direct or low-speed gearbox execution. Surface aeration especially in the high-speed aerators having high efficiency in real activated sludge conditions because of their favourite alpha-factor which is used mostly for the biological process of water purification and plant aeration.

Dutco Tennant LLC has been supplying a wide range of Wastewater Aerators for over forty years and can definitely help you out with the best possible solution.

Horizontal Shaft Surface Aerators for Wastewater Treatment

Horizontal Shaft Surface Aerators for Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Vertical Shaft Surface Aerators

Wastewater Vertical Shaft Surface Aerators