Dutco Tennant LLC with aid of their long expertise in supplying wastewater pipeline accessories for several residential and commercial projects. By keeping our presence in this field for more than forty years, we have been supplying this equipment for a wide number of projects in the Middle East and GCC region.
If you are looking for the right pipeline accessory can be a real hassle, driving from one place to another, order minimums, etc, but with Dutco tenant LLC we have a wide range of pipeline accessories to choose from and even offer some rare to find styles, making those frustrations a thing of the past. Selecting the correct products can be difficult for a big wastewater project, thus we have gathered here a wide range of products with different fittings, sizes, and construction material to cater to different requirements. As water is important for life, it requires to be kept clean and without any contamination while transporting through water networks. Due to several reasons, a number of standards have been created to supervise the design and construction of potable water pipeline accessories.
Wastewater treatment requirements may vary from region to region. We have the correct products and the expertise to meet the wastewater storage and transportation requirements of the Middle East and the GCC region. Our products are compliant as per government standards and regulatory compliance. Our highly educated team will connect with you in order to gather complete requirements from the very beginning of the project and supply you with the right products. We are here to supply pipeline accessories for Sewage, Stormwater networks, pumping stations, and plants. Our product range comprises of Dismantling Joints, PVC fittings, Flange Adaptors, Coupling, Expansion Joints, Plastic Pipe Fittings, Repair clamps, Pipe Joints, Strainers, Insulator Skids, Pipe Connectors, Insulator Skids –Metallic, Bolts, Nuts, and Washers, Gaskets, Flange Insulation Kits, and Extension Spindle.
Sewage Network Joints/Couplings/Adaptors
Sewage Network Repair Clamps
Strainers for Wastewater
Sewage Network Pipeline Hardwares
Sewage Network Pipes and Fittings