Plumbing Butterfly Valves are Bi-Directional Quick Shut Off Valves and are available in Lug or Wafer or Double Flanged Type in Various material combinations for use in Residential and Commercial Buildings. Typical services include; hot and cold water, HVAC, steam, compressed air, gas, and other general utility services.
A butterfly valve is a quarter-turn rotational motion valve that is used to stop, regulate, and start flow. These valves are easy and fast to open; 90-degree rotation of the handle provides a complete closure or opening of the valve. Large butterfly valves are usually equipped with a gearbox, in which the handwheel by gears is connected to the stem. This simplifies the operation of the valve but at the expense of speed. These valves have many advantages over the gate, globe, plug, and ball valves, especially for large valve applications. Savings in weight, space, and cost are the most obvious advantages. The maintenance costs are usually low s there are a minimal number of moving parts and there are no pockets to trap fluids. These types of valves are especially well-suited for the handling of large flows of liquids or gases at relatively low pressures and for the handling of slurries or liquids with large amounts of suspended solids. They are built on the principle of a pipe damper. The flow control element is a disk of approximately the same diameter as the inside diameter of the adjoining pipe, which rotates on either a vertical or horizontal axis. When the disk lies parallel to the piping run, the valve is fully opened. The valve is shut when the disk approaches the perpendicular position. Intermediate positions, for throttling purposes, can be secured in place by handle-locking devices.
The plumbing butterfly valves are undoubtedly the best shut of the valve which can be found, it takes much less space than normal ball valves and they offer much tighter and better closing sealing. They are used for most liquid materials as they are used for most liquid materials, as they offer an inexpensive and efficient shut-off method for easy handling of these materials that could easily escape or even be displaced as the valve disc closes. The butterfly valves offer a very effective and reliable shut off which can make a huge difference. Butterfly valves have a short circular body, a round disc, metal-to-metal or soft seats, top and bottom shaft bearings, and a stuffing box. The plumbing butterfly valves can open very quickly which means that the rate of flow via the valve can increase very rapidly for change of incremental in the travel of the valve when the position is near closed. As the position of the valve becomes much more open, the rate of flow changes for diminishing the underlying incremental changes in the valve travel which approaches zero change as the position of the valve is around completely open.
Get the most advanced range of butterfly valves suitable for all your plumbing needs from Dutco Tennant LLC. We serve the entire Middle East and GCC region.
Lug Type
Wafer Type
Flanged Type