Passive infrastructure involves multiple operators sharing the same passive infrastructure as a means to reduce the costs associated with real estate, access rights and preparing sites for the requirements of active infrastructure. Passive infrastructure sharing encompasses all the non-electronic elements required of a cell site. These can include the tower itself, buildings or shelter, air conditioning plant, security, electricity generation capability for back-up, an electrical supply, technical premises, and pylons. The electronic elements required by a cell site such as base stations, microwave radio equipment, switches, antennae, and transceivers don’t fall under the scope of passive infrastructure.
Passive infrastructure sharing addresses many of the costs of establishing a cell site. It is also reported that it can address up to 60% of the cost of a new site build or at a minimum of 30% to 50% are cited. Adding to that, as it confines it sharing to the facilities management and real-estate aspects of a cell site, it does not impinge on end-user service provision or require the same complexity of management that full sharing necessitates. Full sharing schemes often fall down as network performance potentially could be affected by sharing. In developed markets, it’s a similar story with some very large players treading with caution.
Passive infrastructure sharing can be managed by the site owner who then acts as a landlord to its tenants. In some cases, that might involve a carrier making its facilities available to a competitor – in exchange for rental income. Alternatively, a joint venture company may be formed between participants. Management of infrastructure sharing throws up a series of concerns. There are complex issues to take into account such as taxation, apportioning costs and understanding how users of such shared assets can be accurately accounted for within carriers’ existing business lines and practices. Issues such as depreciation and apportionment of maintenance costs are at the forefront of thrashing out an agreement and the more fluid, usage-based models of agreement are notoriously challenging to make workable. A wide range of passive network equipment to fulfill your needs whether you are building your datacenter or connecting your office network. At Dutco Tennant LLC we feel that with the advancement of time, science and technology is developing every day. And with this advancement, the demands among the customers for more advanced and newer solutions are increasing. We always put our customers as the priority and look forward to providing them with the best solution possible. For that, we are constantly growing and have introduced a team of experts who are highly experienced and qualified in their fields who help our customers at every step to choose the right solution for their requirement.
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