Overhead Line Monitoring device simultaneously measures conductor temperature, sag (icing), ambient temperature, humidity and current of power lines. Measurements are carried out directly at the OHLM fixing points on the OHL phase conductor and are transmitted to the OHLM center via available communication channels with the exact GPS time stamp. The power supply for the operation is provided by the current transformer and the supply unit without any other outside source of power supply. Pole steps are installed on power poles which helpline workers to climb poles to perform maintenance. They are galvanized steel and available for several pole types like Drive in pole step for timber poles, screw-in pole step for timber poles, threaded concrete pole step and threaded steel pole step.
Strain clamps are used to fix conductors and ground wires to insulators or link fittings to tower arms and substation structures. Conventionally there are two basic systems of strain clamps. Detachable clamps like wedge-type tension clamps, thimbles, bolted type tension clamps, which allow for subsequent adjustment. And the other is Non-detachable clamps, like compression dead-end clamps which require absolute matching to the conductor length.
Parallel Groove Clamps have extended lip aligns clamp as bolt is tightened. Clamp base section forms a weather shield for the grooves. Compound stays in place, connections last longer. Bolts are made of high-strength aluminum alloy and maintain high contact pressure during heating and cooling cycles. Extruded clamps can be applied "hot" without taking them apart. No losing nuts or washers or fumbling for loose parts.
Pole bands are the ideal solutions for guying and dead ending to steel, wood or concrete poles (non-square) without the need for bolt holes in the pole. The bands can accommodate pole diameters from a minimum of 8" through a virtually unlimited maximum diameter pole.
Stay rods are mainly used to connect the stay wire to the ground anchor. These galvanized steel rods come in various sizes and lengths for different stay designs. Thimble eye nuts and washers are also available for stay rods which are not supplied with them already fitted.
Used in areas like telecommunication tower construction and power distribution through wood poles, these Guy Grip options also find support for antenna construction. They come with cable loop which prevents its stretching. As the grips are available using the same material as strand, these are easy to use and are suitable for installation with hardware support to offer holding support in fixed position.
Over Head Transmission Line Monitoring System
Pole Step
Strain Clamp
Parallel Groove Clamp
Pole Band
Stay Rod
Guy Grip
Surge Arresters
Earth Rods
Ball Clevis
Socket Eye