• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.
Laboratory & Industrial Ovens Furnaces & Ovens

Our range of laboratory oven are ideal for general laboratory work and routine heat applications equipped with a number of options to meet customer requirements. This includes over-temperature protection, individual shelves and runners for different lab applications, digital timers or more advanced laboratory oven temperature control and programmer systems.

Industrial Ovens are characterized by robust construction and lasting materials, making them ideal for heavy duty applications. Each industrial oven may be built and supplied with a wide range of options, including over-temperature protection, loading and handling mechanisms or advanced temperature control systems.


Laboratory Ovens are basically used for drying and sterilizing equipment, often glassware. They can also be used for heating, dehydrating, or softening samples, as well as numerous other laboratory applications across various industries. Industries in which laboratory ovens are invaluable pieces of equipment include civil engineering, the technology industry, and healthcare.

Typical applications of our Industrial Ovens including drying, baking, or curing components. Further to these applications all of the industrial ovens that we offer can be highly customized, and are therefore able to completely fulfill the demanding requirements of many different industries.