• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.
Cone Calorimeter - TCC 918 Fire Testing Equipment

The TCC 918 Cone Calorimeter is a groundbreaking instrument that stands at the forefront of fire testing technology. Designed to meticulously analyse crucial fire behaviour parameters, this advanced apparatus revolutionises the assessment of material flammability and safety.

By directly measuring the heat release rate and dynamic smoke production of various materials, the TCC 918 offers unparalleled insights into fire severity. The data obtained from this test device provides the foundation for informed decision-making in fire safety.

The core principle underlying the TCC 918's effectiveness is its relationship between heat release and oxygen consumption during controlled combustion. This principle forms the basis for assessing the potential hazards posed by different materials when exposed to external radiant heat sources.

With real-world simulation of fire scenarios and monitoring fire development from its nascent stages, the TCC 918 serves as a vital tool in predicting fire behaviour on a full scale. This predictive capability empowers industries ranging from construction and transportation to ensure the safety of occupants through effective emergency evacuation strategies.

Built in strict adherence to globally recognized standards, the TCC 918 guarantees the highest level of accuracy and reliability in fire testing.