• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.
Crane Boom Grease Industrial Supplies
Crane Boom Grease Maintenance Products
Crane Boom Grease Dutcotennant

Crane Boom Grease is a fully synthetic multipurpose paste containing PTFE as solid lubricant. Improves the sliding ability of non-ferrous metal/non-ferrous metal or metal/metal and plastic/plastic contacts.To the prevention of stick-slip motions. Due to its high adhesion and good media resistance also used in the food and beverage industry.

This is especially used for damping of structure borne sound as well as for frictional vibrations in parts made of polymers.


  • Service temperature -40 °C to +150 °C
  • Excellently resistant to: hot and cold water, water vapours, lactic, formic, acetic or fruit acids, watery-alkline or acid disin-fecting or cleaning agents
  • Non-dripping, non-melting


  • To prevent stick-slip motions at mobil crane booms, especially under deep temperature conditions.
  • To lubricate and seal stop cocks, valves, labyrinth seals, stuffing boxes and gland packings such as in appliances used in large kitchens.
  • To lubricate threaded spindles in thermostat valves.