• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.
Terravault/Modular Suspended Pavement System Landscape & Irrigation

The Terravault/Modular suspended Pavement System is essentially a soil support system – designed for maximum soil and rooting volume, to be ‘utility friendly’, with economic freight and industry leading strength characteristics.

Production of the world’s first purpose made commercial structural soil drainage cell for urban tree planting. Since that time, thousands of trees have benefited and continue to benefit, from access to uncompacted soil volumes – beneath heavily engineered pavements and roadways.

Terravault/Modular suspended Pavement System is the next generation soil protection product, supplied by Dutco to reduce cost, cut down installation time, and incorporates industry leading soil aeration methodology – a vital and often overlooked component in tree pit design.


  • Interlocking System
  • Integrates with other ArborSystem products


  • Interlocking recycled material panels give huge strength
  • Open structure – fast filling and class leading soil void ratio – more soil for the tree
  • Fast installation reduces labour costs
  • Less plastic – reduces costs
  • Unique patented Airflow lid – encourages movement of air allowing the soil to breathe
  • Excellent space provision for integrating utilities
  • Lid designed to allow fast re-excavation for utility emergencies
  • Open lattice – high strength but maximum soil space