Sludge is the primary waste stream generated from wastewater treatment. It is a byproduct that cannot be disposed of without proper treatment. This is why there are different types of sludge treatment solutions available to process the sludge appropriately and discard them safely.

The main objectives of sludge treatment processes are - to reduce sludge volume so as to bring down haulage and disposal cost, to minimize the risks from it to public health and environment, to control odor and to maintain its instability.

There are different types of sludge treatment technologies and processes involved. In this blog, we discuss a few of the key solutions that are used popularly in wastewater treatment plants.


There are different types of sludge depending on the source from which they are formed. However, with the use of right sludge treatment equipment and processes, the sludge can be treated.

There is drinking water sludge obtained from drinking water treatment tanks or plants. This type of sludge is commonly disposed of in landfills without undergoing any complex sludge treatment processes as they are mostly non-hazardous waste.

Fecal sludge is another sludge type that comes from septic tanks, on-site sanitation systems and pit latrines. Post treatment of this type of sludge, it can be used in irrigation as a soil conditioner.

Industrial wastewater sludge is the most toxic and needs to be treated rigorously.

Different Sludge Processing Methods

Sludge treatment involves a series of steps/methods through which sludge goes through and reaches its final stage. Some of the key methods used in sludge treatment plants are -

Sludge Thickening - This is generally the first step in the sludge processing methods. Sludge in its raw form is usually slurry or semi-solid, none of which is easy to handle. Therefore, to improve treatment processes in the next stages, a sludge thickening method is used.

The best supplier of sludge treatment solutions offer quality sludge thickening equipment to carry out this method and assist the sludge treatment plants’s operations.

Sludge Digestion - This is known to be a biological process in which the solids present in the sludge are decomposed and turned into stable substances. This process also involves reduction of mass of solids, dewatering of the sludge and destroying the present pathogens.

The successful completion of the Sludge digestion method results in safer and easier removal of the sludge from any surface. The accumulated sludge from this method is normally found in huge settling tanks. With the use of suitable scrapers the sludge settlement can be removed.

You can get in touch with the expert supplier of sludge treatment systems in UAE and get hold of this type of equipment as well.

Further standard methods involved are dewatering and disposal. In some cases, anaerobic digestion method is also used along with other techniques.


The demand for sludge treatment solutions have gone up over the years as companies want to make conscious and sustainable decisions. If you are interested to learn more about sludge treatment and solutions available for it then contact an expert supplier now.