Reverse backflow can cause several complications within the system, it can even lead to damage pumps and compressors. The application of check valves also contributes in safeguarding the varied components of the system.

This is why operators look for an expert plumbing check valve supplier that can deliver quality check valve products. But before you do so make sure to know all things essential about check valves.

Here’s a brief guide about check valve 101. Keep reading till the end to know it all.

Common Types of Check Valves Available

Swing Check Valve

This type of check valve is the most commonly used one and has a full-port design. This means that when the disc is completely opened, it discharges out of the flow stream.

Swing check valve is a suitable application where there’s requirement for lower on/off cycle count and presence of high percentage of solids. This type of valve closes slowly due to the travel distance of the disc.

By slow closing effect, it triggers a final push of backflow to slam shut the disc which results in massive pressure surge. Hence, the water hammer effect is pretty common with use of this type of check valve.

Although it is easy to operate, the water hammer effect caused by this valve is a major drawback and the application must be thoroughly evaluated before choosing this valve.

Silent Spring-Assisted Axial Flow Check Valve

This type of valve has a center guided stem-disc assembly for full flow operations. A compression spring also goes with it for its function. This arrangement enables for the disc to remain in the flow stream.

There’s no requirement for manual or automated operation as the media flows around the disc. When the pump is in operation, this valve is completely open and when the pump is turned off, the valve shuts off slightly before the fluid reverses.

Because of the compression spring working alongside the disc and forcing a pressure over it, the water hammer effect is efficiently eliminated.

Double Door Check Valve

This type of valve is quite similar to swing check valves, however, performs much better in its closing function. This is because of the coiled springs that primarily guide the two cantilevered doors to shut quickly.

Although in case of water hammer effect, this system might not perform well, nevertheless, they’ll give better performance than the swing check valves.

Why is sizing a check valve important?

Sizing of check valves are important before they are installed as with that step, operators can get several benefits. Some of the perks of sizing a check valve are –

·          Results in reduced piping vibration

·          Safeguards the pipeline system from hefty failures

·          Increased check valve lifespan by eliminating the risk of parts breaking off

·          Improved protection of pumps and compressors

·          Lessens the concerns related to water hammer effect

·          Helps in vertical down flow direction

To learn more about check valves, make sure to get in touch with the best plumbing check valve supplier now.