A Quick Selection Guide for Expansion Joints
Expansion joints are essential devices in order to keep the pipeline systems running smoothly even in high-stress magnitudes. With the installation of the right expansion joint, you can even protect the system equipment as it magnificently absorbs the movements and thermal expansions.
But with the range of expansion joints that are available in the marketplace, it becomes overwhelming to pick the right choice. This is why we bring you a quick selection guide for expansion joints that will help to choose the ideal option.
Keep reading till the end to find out all about them.
Joint Movement
Since the installation of expansion joints is done to absorb the lateral, axial, and angular movement of the pipe along with the vibrations generated within the system, careful consideration should be taken to calculate those movements correctly.
It is essential that the right coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is utilized. The specific material of the pipe must be known since the CTE varies majorly between different pipe materials.
These differences can impact the calculated movement to a certain point and the movement of the pipe may greatly exceed the capability of the expansion joint when the initial calculations display that they are within its limitations.
Pipe Planning
Prior to addressing the expansion joint itself, you need to ensure that the adjacent piping and equipment conform to solid and good piping design practices. This basically means that appropriate placement and design of the guides, anchors, and supports are crucial for the proper functioning of the expansion joints.
Media Pumped
It is also important to determine the process media since new chemicals are typically processed each year. In fact, considering the media is one of the most crucial factors in selecting a compatible elastomer.
Additionally, material selection mustn’t be compromised either while specifying the process. By making a choice for marginal tube material, you might increase the chance of risk and may invite high replacement downtime and/or cost.
Detection for any abrasive material present in the media should be performed since even a minute amount of abrasive element can tear the tube down.
Temperature & Pressure
Last but not the least, temperature and pressure data are important to be considered. When temperatures go above 200 degrees Fahrenheit, suitable pressure de-rating must be made in order to ensure that the expansion joints are able to handle the system working pressure at the elevated temperature maximum.
Pressure de-rating is needed for the prevention of potential reinforced fabric deterioration. When the expansion joints are used at the discharge then the shock pressure or pulsating is required to be monitored and analyzed.
These are a few of the noteworthy considerations that need to be taken into account when selecting an ideal expansion joint. Get in touch with the expert expansion joints supplier to get your hands on the best solution now.