A transformer is an electrical device used for transmission of power transmission from one electric circuit to another. There are different types of transformers available in the marketplace. From standard designs to sophisticated ones, there are plenty to choose from.
However, no matter how high-end the transformer is, it can always run into potential breakdown or failure. Afterall, just like any other gadget, transformers encounter malfunctioning that often results in complete breakdown.
This is why testing the transformers regularly and keeping track of its condition is important. With the use of transformer testing equipment, professionals can prevent transformer failures especially sudden breakdown of the device. 
In this blog, we enumerate different types of transformers existing and the importance of conducting transformer testing. We shall also list some of the transformer testing solutions that come handy to perform needed analysis of the instrument.
Keep reading till the end to find out.

Different Types of Transformer Testing

The primary aim of conducting a transformer test is to check the functionality and maintaining work capacity of transformers. With the right transformer testing instrument in use, operators are also able to identify potential malfunctioning factors. 
Therefore, plan or take necessary actions on time to prevent sudden outage. Below are some of the different transformer testing types -

Resistance Test - The resistance test is conducted with the use of an Ohmmeter. This test includes checking any differences in the windings and openings of the transformers. The results from this test helps in confirming whether all the open transformers are wired and connected correctly or not.

Power Factor Test -  This test enables one to identify power loss by measuring the angle. In order to obtain accurate results from the test, the angle of the current should be ideally 90 degrees. Power Factor Test helps in determining any malfunction or decrease of the insulation. This test also allows experts to accomplish some level of energy management.

Insulation/Megger Test - This is an insulation test of transformers which is conducted with a megohmmeter. With the help of this test, the quality of insulation can be determined.  If the test results indicate appropriate insulation then it will show greater resistance. Naturally, lower resistance means the sign of an issue.

Turns Ratio Test - This is an AC low voltage test that determines the high voltage ratio winding. The test results help in the confirmation that a transformer shall provide a step-up or a step-down voltage.

Alternative Transformer Test Solutions

There are also other transformer testing equipment available to perform more enhanced testing outcomes. Some of them are -

Transformer Advanced Analytics System

This is a transformer asset management solution that helps to prevent faults and also improve energy efficiency. The Transformer Advanced Analytics upto 33 kV (MV) is designed to deliver secure and accurate analytics.
Experts can gain a lot of benefits with the use of this solution. For instance, with the use of transformer advanced analytics, users can predict time and area of outage.

Types of Transformers

Single-phase transformer - This is a type of transformer designed to receive electrical power from a single-phase source. It delivers power to a single-phase load.

Three-phase transformer - This type of transformer includes three sets of primary and secondary windings. The windings are typically delta or star-shaped. 

Distribution transformer - This transformer is used to step down the level of voltage for electricity distribution in the local area. It is used typically in buildings, housings and societies. 

Instrument transformer - The main objective of this type of transformer is measuring and instrumentation. There are primarily two types of instrument transformers present - Circuit Transformer & Potential Transformer.  The Circuit transformer enables the measurement of electric flow within the circuit. Whereas, the Potential transformer is used for measuring the voltage.

Power transformer - It is used for the transmission of electric power in a high voltage circuit.
To know more about transformer testing equipment, be sure to get in touch with expert transformer testing equipment suppliers.