XRF or x-ray fluorescence is a process where electrons are displaced from their atomic orbital positions, releasing a burst of energy which is characteristic of a specified element. Dutco Tennant LLC provides top-grade handheld X-ray XRF Spectrometers (XRF) which help you do quick, non-destructive elemental analysis from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U), from parts/million to 100%. You can use it for an on-site location for instant results, the analyzers give data which can help you to find out the next set of action, - like when and where it's required.
XRF spectroscopy is the method of analyzing the Fluorescent X-Rays to gain complete information on the elemental work of material. Energy-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence technology (ED-XRF) offers the simplest, most precise, and most economic analytical solution methods for finding out the chemical composition of different materials. It is non-destructive and dependable, requires no, or very small sample groundwork and is appropriate for solid, liquid and powdered samples. It can be used for various elements, from sodium (11) to uranium (92), and offers detection limits at the sub-ppm rank; it can be used for measuring 100% concentrations easily and concurrently. Typical uses include the analysis of oils and fuel, plastic, rubber and textiles, pharmaceutical products, foodstuffs, cosmetics and body care products, fertilizers, minerals, ores, rocks, sands, slags, cements, heat-resistant materials, glass, ceramics, wafers; the determination of coatings on paper, film, polyester, and metals; XRF RoHS testing, positive material identification, the sorting of metal alloys, glass and plastic according to their constituent materials; and the monitoring of solid waste, effluent, cleaning fluids, pools and filters.
Our company is a leader in supplying energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers. In the latest years, our company has set standards by providing even superior X-ray fluorescence technology to support many new fields of operation for ED-XRF spectrometers.
The company offers a whole range of X-ray Fluorescence handy spectrometers such as the small handheld XRF - a handy spectrometer that brings lab-grade elemental analysis in the field.
The major parts of a typical XRF spectrometer are X-Rays source used for sample irradiation, the Sample, parts for detecting the emitted fluorescent X-Rays. The result which you get shows XRF spectrum intensity (usually in counts per second) as a function of energy (usually in eV). You can get two main types of XRF spectroscopy. Energy Dispersive XRF (EDXRF) and Wavelength Dispersive XRF (WDXRF), they differ primarily in the way you detect and analyze the fluorescent X-Rays.
Hand Held XRF Spectrometers