A crash cushion or impact attenuator is perfectly suited for protecting the vehicles from damage when they collide into a structure. It can also save the lives of people inside the vehicle. The cushion is ideal for absorbing kinetic energy and can redirect potentially the colliding vehicle away from danger. These cushions come in handy for construction projects as well as buffers for controlling the traffic.
One of the main reasons for using crash cushions is to limit the damage which can occur on highways. These crash cushions are placed often in front of gore points and near overpasses. A gore point is part of a freeway exit such as in places where white lines for a v-shape with landscaping in the middle. Crash cushions are suitable for using over and over. They are made up of several sections which are designed for collapsing into each other while absorbing the impact of a crash. The cushions conventionally maintain their normal appearance after the collision. But cushions also require to be repaired or replaced by state officials. Drivers often get distracted and this is one of the main reasons for the cars hitting the crash cushions in gore points and along the roadside. They may be paying more attention to their personal or other things and become distracted when they are lost and looking for signs to read. In some cases, when the drivers are new in an area, they can get confused by the signs at the very last minute and swerve into an exit lane. Speeding or intoxication and losing control are other reasons for which drivers collide with railing or barriers. These crashes are more likely to happen at night time when visibility is reduced.
There are various types of barrier systems available that can be used as crash cushions. They can comprise several attenuators which form a gate along the side of a highway. Dutco Tennant LLC supplies a wide range of Crash Cushion Barriers from the largest manufacturers of the world.
End Terminals
Crash Cushion Barriers – MASH TL3 Tested
Truck Mounted Attenuators
Crash Cushion Barriers - EN 1314 STD