• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.
Leak Detection - Acid HVAC Controls

The digital leak detection systems consist of a series of addressable sense cables and a digital unit. These sense cables are often installed under raises floors to protect the critical areas and communicate with the panel via a digital serial interface. In the event of a leak on one sense cable, the digital panel triggers an audible alarm immediately and displays the location of the leak (precise to 1 metre) on an interactive map allowing quick action so as to reduce the operation downtime.

Acid Sense Cables

The sense cable detects and pin-point locates acid leak at any point along the cable. It is designed to be connected on digital unit. The typical applications are laboratories, fab plants, cleanrooms, etc. in order to provide permanent protection to limit the financial consequences of an undetected acid leak. The sense cable is made in corrosion and abrasion resistant cable that can be reused after cleaning.


  • Digital Pin-Point Leak Location
  • Embedded Microprocessor
  • LED Status Indicator
  • Detects Acid and Corosive Chemical Liquids
  • Pre-connected in Standard Lengths