In case of hydraulics application, the flow control valves are used for controlling liquid’s volume which is then supplied to varied sections of the hydraulic system. For systems that require fluid flow and pressure control, the industries have demand for the expert control valve stockist in UAE and other locations.

But before you get in touch with a supplier make sure to know all things important about flow control valves. Continue to read till the end to learn all about them.

Flow Control Valves offering Added Benefits

Typically, in hydraulic systems, there’s temperature related concerns as well. As there are several moving components within the system and the friction between these moving components produces the unwanted heat energy.

The temperature continues to rise in a running hydraulics system that eventually impacts the viscosity of the fluid resulting in reduced viscosity. This ultimately causes the flow rate to alter.

With the application of flow control valves and reducing the area of valve opening, operators can reduce the fluid flow and with the increase in valve area opening, fluid can be similarly increased. Therefore, helping to compensate for the temperature change occurring in the hydraulics system.

Flow Control Valve Application in Everyday Life

Did you know that flow control valve application is found in our daily life? Yes! The household tap is the most common example of a flow control valve. In the household tap application, the flow control valve has a flow adjustment screw with a ball.

By rotating this screw, the orifice area can be different. If the orifice area is reduced then fluid flow will be minimised or restricted. As the orifice area is increased with the rotation of the adjustment screw, this will allow more fluid to pass through the intended passage.

The Basic Components of Flow Control Valve

There are generally six to seven components in a flow control valve and they are –

  1. Valve Body – This is also referred to as “shell”. It is used as the main pressure boundary of the valve. Everything making up the flow control valve is being held together by the Valve Body framework. It can be cast into a variety of shapes.
  2. Valve Bonnet – This one is the cover offered to the opening in the valve body.
  3. Valve Trim – The elements that are found inside a valve are referred to as Valve Trim. The Valve Trim elements consist of stem, sleeves, seat and disk.
  4. Disk & Seat – Disk is the element that enables the fluid flow and also restricts it. Whereas, the seat is the seating surface for the disk.
  5. Stem – It is the element that helps connect the actuator and the disk while also keeping the disk in position.
  6. Valve Actuator – This one helps the stem and disk assembly for being operated.
  7. Valve Packing – Last but not the least, this element is used for packing in valves and results in preventing leakage between the bonnet and stem.

To know more about flow control valves, get in touch with an expert control valve stockist in UAE.