Toilet cubicles are an important part of any commercial space, and you need to make sure you get one that is suitable for the area. The type of toilet cubicle you choose will depend on how many people are using it at any given time, whether there are any children in the area, and its location.

While there are many toilet cubicle suppliers in Dubai, finding a trusted and best-fitted supplier is essential. In this selection guide, we list some of the key factors to consider that can help you choose the right supplier. Keep on reading till the end to know about them in detail. 

Size of the cubicle

The size of your toilet cubicle will largely depend on the number of users in your space. A large number of people who use it at once can lead to a cramped and uncomfortable experience, so it's best if you choose one that's large enough to allow everyone to sit comfortably while they're using their toilets. 

If there aren't as many people using this facility at any given time, then smaller cubicles may work better for both commercial spaces and homes alike--the latter because they tend not to have very many guests over long periods of time (unless they have pets).

Type of material used

The type of material used in cubicles is an important factor to consider. There are multiple factors that affect the quality and longevity of toilet cubicles, including the materials used for their construction and maintenance. 

To choose the best material for your commercial space, you'll need to consider how much weight it can hold without breaking or shattering over time. You'll also want to consider what kind of surface treatment it has so that stains don't ruin your brand image when they accumulate over time (especially if they're hard to remove).

There are many different types available on the market today, but some stand out above all others: acrylic plastic is usually one of these options; however, it tends not to hold up well because it doesn't provide much strength against impact damage from people walking around inside them often enough during business hours every day - so choose wisely!

The capacity of the space

The capacity of a toilet cubicle is one of the most important factors when deciding on which type of toilet to purchase. The size and number of people who will be using it at once will determine what size you need to buy.

The other key factor is how much space you have available. Are there enough fittings and accessories so that they don't interfere with each other in any way? Is there enough room for wheelchairs or mobility scooters to pass through easily?

The location of your toilet cubicle

The location of your toilet cubicle is also important. For example, if you have a small bathroom and wish to squeeze in two or more stalls, then having them side by side will be ideal. However, if you have a large space with lots of room to spare and there's only one stall available then this may not be an option for you.

As far as size goes - the more space between each other means that there will be less chance of people bumping into each other when using the toilet (or washing their hands etc.). The same applies if someone else is using one of those stalls before yours becomes vacant again!

How much it will cost you

The price will depend on the size, material, and location of your toilet cubicle. The cost of a toilet cubicle is usually cheaper than partition walls in commercial spaces. If you are looking for a toilet cubicle supplier in Dubai, then you can find suppliers online if you have to make an order online.

Find a good supplier and make sure to have a good look at the product before you buy it. Look for a supplier with good reviews, who can provide samples of their products and also offer installation services.


When you are in a commercial space, you want to make sure that your toilet cubicles will fit in with the rest of your bathroom. A good supplier can help you choose the right type of material for your cubicle so that it blends well with other parts of your restroom. So, what are you waiting for? Select the right toilet cubicle systems by keeping these factors in mind when making a choice.