Over the past few decades, there have been increasing instances of security related issues in airports, borders and other large-scale premises. These occurrences have jeopardised the safety of individuals and caused a lot of suffering.

Therefore, in order to combat against terror, smuggling, trafficking, x-ray inspections are used for the screening of vehicles and persons. The events of security-based issues are frequently found in vehicles. That is why the use of a vehicle scanner is increasingly preferred these days.

Moreover, the vehicle scanners offer several benefits that make the entire x-ray inspection process efficient and seamless. Keep reading till the end to know the ultimate benefits you can get from using vehicle scanners.

1.     Speed

The vehicle scanners have speedy screening capabilities and can do x-ray inspection within a few minutes time. By applying the penetrating x-ray and advanced material discrimination technology, the inspection time of cargo and vehicle decreases by a lot.

The high-speed inspection technology ensures the identification of organic and non-organic materials and metals which helps in keeping hazards at bay. The increased speed rate of screening enables the vehicle scanners to run diagnostics of several loaded cars, trucks and other vehicles.

This is why they are an ideal application for setting up elaborate security systems at airports, loading docks and other premises.

2.     Ensures Safety

Exposure to radiation is one of the primary health concerns that is associated with any type of X-ray inspection machine. Similarly, vehicle scanners are also known for emitting penetrating radiation to see through the vehicles for potential hazards.

They do not have backscatter systems. However, it is to be noted that the average radiation exposure per scan to the occupant of a vehicle that passes through the vehicle scanners would be about 0.05 microsievert maximally per screening and even might be closer to 0.002 microsievert because of the high-speed screening of vehicles.

As per the scientific evidence, the doses of radiation emission from vehicle scanners are far below the level of cancer causing and other health concerns resulting from radiation exposure. Therefore, the use of a high-quality vehicle scanner ensures safety while carrying out much-needed X-ray inspections.

3.     Enhanced Imaging Quality

In order to make sure that the vehicles going through security checks are free from any hidden contrabands such as explosives, weapons, smuggling goods or narcotics, the use of vehicle scanners are widely popular.

The high-tech features make the vehicle scanners capable of generating high-quality images within a short time. The penetrating X-ray inspection enables it to carry out improved detection and imaging quality that results in highly efficient screening results.

4.     Ease of Inspection

The vehicle scanners come equipped with innovative “drive-thru” technology which enables them to conduct x-ray inspection of loaded vehicles. The portal shaped detecting system requires the vehicles to get through it and the screening happens at multiple detecting checkpoints.

There is no need for unloading the passengers or drivers from the vehicle. With its ease of inspection and automated operations, there’s reduced requirement for manual inspections.

But that’s not all, there’s more perks of utilising high-quality vehicle scanners ideal for a wide range of applications. Know more about them, from expert x-ray inspection equipment suppliers now.