Sand filtration is the most commonly used method for the filtration process in both water and wastewater treatment plants as a primary or tertiary filtration process based on the source of water and treated water.
Sand filters remove suspended solids, particles and particulate matter from treated wastewater and process water. It has different layers of media inside the vessel that ranges from types and sizes. Media includes gravels, pebbles, sand, and anthracite.
It is the most widely used method in the industries for filtering almost all sources of water depending on the source and end-use. In the wastewater treatment plants, it is installed as a tertiary treatment post-biological process as polishing units.
In cases when there is double or multimedia it is called a dual media filter (DMF) and multimedia filter (MMF).
In the process of sand filtration, the treatment of water is done by the 'porous' nature of a sand layer that traps the particles which are present in water. Several other physical and biological processes also take place in a sand filter that further removes several other substances. Frequently in the treatment of groundwater, sand filtration is used for removing dissolved iron. Iron and manganese that is present in the groundwater are oxidized with the help of aeration and the formed flocs are subsequently trapped in the sand filter. After a certain time period, the filter is saturated with particles and needs to be cleaned for preventing it from getting completely blocked up. By backwashing with water and air, sand filters are cleaned. We supply tailor-made steel coated filter tanks varying diameters between 1.2 to 3.1 meters in diameter for its rental fleet and for specific projects. With us you will get both sand and activated carbon filters made up of steel. The available models have varying bed height and diameter of the filter material (nozzles) and others. A filter basically comprises of a steel body with two low-pressure floors and a bottom plate that is welded onto the body on which the wash heads are mounted. In our rental fleet, besides the several sands and activated carbon filters suitable for specific purposes, we also make customized filter tanks.