• Dutco Tennant LLC, PO Box 233, Dubai, U.A.E.
Seal Grid Civil Infrastructure
Seal Grid Roads & Utilities
Seal Grid Dutcotennant

SealGrid® consists of high strength glass fibre roving knitted to a paving fabric to form a reinforced composite paving fabric.

The reinforcing effect of the low strain glass filaments in combination with the waterproofing, stress relieving and bonding Geosynthetics properties of the paving fabric leads to a dramatic reduction of reflective cracking under asphalt overlays.

Properties of Glass Fibre Roving
  • Strength = 50 x 50 kN/m or 100 x 100 kN/m
  • Strain < 5 %
  • Knitted to the paving fabric in a grid pattern.
  • Flat weave intersections prevent crushing at nodes
  • Unaffected by most chemicals and high temperatures (>1 000 'C)
Properties of Paving Fabric
  • Provides a waterproofing interlayer
  • Ensures a constant thickness bitumen SAMI interlayer
  • Provides a stress relieving interlayer
  • Unaffected by most chemicals and high temperature (>260 °C)

Economic Benefit

SealGrid® can reduce traffic induced crack propagation by a factor of greater than 7. This equates to either a considerable saving in overlay thickness or an increased life cycle.

Product Benefits

  • The glass fibre roving provides a high strength interlayer at very low strain, which effectively stitches cracks together
  • The bitumen impregnated paving fabric component of the SealGricr provides a waterproof barrier and a stress absorbing underlayer.
  • SealGrid® provides an excellent adhesion bond to existing surfaces, ensuring strong interlock between the existing surface and the new overlay
  • No levelling layer is required over shallow milled surfaces as SealGrie is flexible and conforms around milled irregularities, while the paving fabric acts as a padding between the milled surface and glass grid

Application Areas

Under Or Between Asphalt Layers

  • Where high horizontal or vertical stresses occur
  • On road widening schemes with differential settlement
  • Where extremely high traffic stresses occur, such as airport runways, docklands or heavy vehicle parking areas
  • Where stress cracking is possible, such as over expansive clay sub-grades
  • On chemically stabilised bases such as cement treated bases (CM)
  • On roads constructed over fill embankments
  • Over joints in concrete carriageways
  • Where wide temperature fluctuations occur
  • On milled surfaces where cracks are still evident